Hi Ray,
Long time no talkie . .
Probably more than 90% of my support problems are with the USB interface. I really have grown to despise it.
Most of the problems stem from two causes;
1) if your device is one of the many that are not native USB, but use a FTDI (or equiv) single chip Serial to USB converter chip, then the problem is usually drivers tripping over each other.
I have not messed with the Kflop in a long time, but as I recall it has a converter chip and requires a driver for it. It has performed rock solid since I first programmed it quite some time ago now. However, I will be ditching it soon due to lack of MACH4 support and no Ethernet port.
Any USB device that requires a driver . . watch out!
A problem I had with Win8 was that it would suddenly decide a driver was 'incompatible' and summarily unload it. I do not recall specifically if it was unloading the Kflop driver, but definitely other USB drivers and I took win8 off and never touched it again, so can't be much help other that the head's up.
2) Ground loops. I found the best way to power USB devices is right off the PC power supply. This eliminates 'most' of the ground loops. However, a USB isolator is always a good idea.
Hope all is well with you.
- Steve